The demand for engineers appeared in the beginning of the XX century at the same time with the birth of radio industry. Then it became necessary to found institutes of radio engineering which would train such specialists. Taganrog State Institute of Radio Engineering was founded in 1952.
At the first, the largest amount of students was in the Radio Engineering College. Fundamentals of Radio Engineering (FRE) department was the first principal education unit.
L. I. Fillipov was the first dean of REC and the first head of FRE department. L.I. Fillipov worked in the institute up to the 1960th year. Those years were the most arduous, because it was the time to set up the base of department. In 1953 FRE department was represented by only two education specialists – L.I. Fillipov and his assistant N.N. Smirnov, but during that year two new laboratories were founded. Those were: The Laboratory Of Fundamentals Of Radio Engineering and The Laboratory Of Radio Devices.
V.A. Kotelnikov had a great influence on the FRE department. L.I.Phillipov and N.N Smirnov were his disciples. Also the main book of FRE courses was Kotelnikov's and Nikolaev's "Fundamentals of Radio Engineering" for a long time. By the way, professors B.M. Petrov and D.I. Sechenov were the students of first stream.
A lot of educational specialists, who teached in the institute (now TSURE), had worked on probation in different leading colleges and universities of the country.
The Laboratory Of Radio Measurements was organized in 1954. Five education specialists had already been working in FRE department to 1955/56th In 1955 N.M. Kuznetsov enters FRE department as a laboratory assistant.
That time he was a student of instruction by correspondence, but later and nowadays he is a head of the FRE laboratories. That year L.I. Philippov and N.N. Smirnov gave lectures of fundamentals of radio engineering, A.I. Danilenko – basics of radio engineering and measurement.
In 1960 Candidate of Engineering Science, reader, A.I. Danilenko became the chair of the department after L.I. Phillipov's departure from Taganrog. Anatoly Danilenko made a huge contribution in the developing of courses and science researches connected with radio measurements. In that time collective of faculty members increased up to 20 men.
It is considered that the main traditions as well as the basic science facilities of the Department of Fundamentals of Radio Engineering formed up to the 1964.
Valery Shasherin became the chair of the department in 1964. Up to that moment he was an experienced faculty member, Cand. of Eng. Sc. Before 1964 he was the vice rector for academic affairs. Later on he was appointed vice rector for research and graduate studies.
Ass.Prof. V.Shasherin made great changes to curriculums. The new course "The Fundamentals of Radio Circuit and Signals" was implemented instead of Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering & Fundamentals of Radio Engineering. Shasherin began to lead the lectures of the new course in spite of great volume of work. Every term he had 5 or 6 hours of lectures per week.
In 1974-75 V.P. Ryzhov was the head of the department. Later his head was taken by Vadim Petrovich Popov, who had worked on probation in USA and Canada. His area of study was the theory of nonlinear circuits, microelectronics. That period was very productive in creating curriculums and laboratories of computer engineering and statistical radio engineering.
In 1978 V.P. Popov started working at his course of "Circuit Theory" and workbook cooperating with associate professors V. Semencov & V. Birukov. Those two books were issued by central editorial "Visshaya shkola" in 1985 and became basic manuals of the theory of electrical and electronic circuit for all radio engineering programs of study in Russia and in Commonwealth of Independent States. Today there are four editions of the book.
Up to the middle of 70th students' part in researches increased greatly. That was a service of rector A. Kalyaev. Students' researches and special research methodology. The ourses were included in curriculums for junior and senior students. The first such special course was "The Methods of Science Research" which was led by V. Ryazhov. It is unusual that lectors often held concerts during their lectures . Then a G. Soross fund grant for writing the book of the course was accepted by the college. The book by Ryzhov was released in 1995. Courses of "History of Radio engineering" and "History of audio, video engineering" were founded some later too.
The new "measuring" course - "Метрология и радиоизмерения" was organized by associate professor B Pakhomkin. In 80s the quality of FRE department faculty members increased greatly. G.Balim, V.Ryazhov, V. Fedosov, G. Galustov, K. Philatov became Dr. of Eng. Sc.,Prof.; Professor M. Ponomarev – a well known specialist in microelectronics – moved to FRE department. In the end of 90th Vladimir Dmitriev-Zdorov became a Doctor of Eng. Sc. too.
In 90s V.P. Popov became a Vice Rector for International Cooperations and moved from the department. For a short time G.Balim fulfilled the duties of the Head of the department, but later Professor V. Fedosov filled that post.
From the middle 60-s TSURE began the high scale research in microelectronics guided by Associate Professor L.N. Kolesov. The department of FRE was involved in it jointly with the Problem Laboratory of Microelectronics, and later - with development department, where the microelectronic scheme-technique facilities for the space-research were elaborated.
The main area of science united many scientists of different microelectronic and circuit theory schools. Their works connected with the main FRED's field of interests are as famous in Russia as abroad. Dr. V. Dmitriev-Zdorov carried out investigations in German National Research Center in Computer Science and Information Technology. The result of this work was the release of his book in English and supported thesis for doctor of Eng. Sc. Post graduate student V. Petkevich carried out investigations in the USA. Today, a large science project from all over the world pass through FRE department. The department cooperates with a plenty of leading science organizations of the world. Among them are the University of South Carolina, German National Research Center in Computer Science and Information Technology and others.
Aesthetic phenomena simulation is also included in the area of FRED’s interests. Russian Fond of Fundamental Investigation supports this direction.